Jerusalem Petition, Organizational Signatures (English)
1- International Campaign to Defend Jerusalem- West Bank, Occupied Jerusalem
2- Civic Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem- West Bank, Occupied Jerusalem
3- Shaikh Hasan Foundation for Culture and Science-West Bank, Occupied Territories
4- Al-Haq-Palestine
5- The International Commission to Support Palestinians’ Rights (ICSPR)-Gaza
6- Centre for Counter Hegemonic Studies (CCHS)-Australia
7- Tunisian Human Rights League-Tunis
8- Shams Palestine Cultural Foundation – Palestine
9- Human Rights and Democracy Media Centre – Palestine
10- Council on International Relations – Palestine
11- Hands off Syria-Australia
12- Interfaith Council for Peace in the Middle East
13- Pittsburgh Palestine Solidarity Committee-Pennsylvania
14- Former Political Prisoners Association-South Africa
15- Alternative Information Center – Palestine
16- The Committee of Jerusalem Displaced Villages
17- Algerian Women Solidarity Association- Algeria
18- Amman Center for Human Rights Studies- Jordan
19- United National Antiwar Coalition- USA
20- Ibda’ Foundation Dehaisheh- Palestine
21- The Palestine Foundation Pakistan- Pakistan
22- Voice of Palestine, Indonesia
23- Association for Investment in Popular Action Committee- USA
24- Free Palestine Movement-USA
25- International Solidarity Movement – Northern California- USA
26- Palestine Children’s Welfare Fund- USA
27- Resumen Latinoamericano- USA
28- Syria Solidarity Movement- USA
29- Nakba Tour- USA
30- One State Assembly- USA
31- Al-Quds Human Rights Clinic
32- Community Action Center, Al-Quds University
33- The Arab Observatory for Human Rights and Citizenship – Lebanon
34- Palestinian Diaspora Association – Sweden
35- Women’s Association for Jerusalem – Lebanon
36- The Palestinian National Heritage Society – Lebanon
37- The Palestinian Martyr Association – Lebanon
38- Council on International Relations – Palestine
39- Boycott Campaign – Palestine
40- Labor Committees in Camps – Lebanon
41- European Initiative for the Rights of Palestinian Prisoners – Netherlands
42- The Yemeni Dutch Center for the Defense of Rights and Freedoms
43- Arab Organization for Human Rights
44- Samidoun Network for the Defense of Palestinian Prisoners
45- LA Jews for Peace
46- The Palestinian Initiative to Deepen Global Dialogue and Democracy – Miftah
47- Jewish Voice for Peace Cleveland-USA
48- The Jordan Federation of the independent Trade Unions
49- NGOs Platform (Tajamoh)/Lebanon
50- The Iraqi Alliance for Human Rights Organizations (includes 55 organizations)
51- The Arab Coalition against the Death Penalty
52- The Egyptian Coalition for Human Rights and Development (includes 550 organizations)/Egypt
53- The Jordan Society for Human Rights
54- Baraem Association for Social Work/Lebanon
55- Civil Solidarity Association / Tunis
56- Association Tunisienne de l’Action Culturelle – Tunis
57- Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space – USA
58- Peace Action Wisconsin- USA
59- Insan Organization for Human Rights and Peace- Yemen
60- Organization for Defending Victims of Violence- Yemen
61- Khiam Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Violence- Yemen
62- International Council for Supporting a Fair Trial- Yemen
63- The Arab Observatory for Human Rights and Citizenship- Yemen
64- The Yemeni Center for Human Rights- Yemen
65- Peace Capital Forum- Yemen
66- Eye of Humanity Center- Yemen
67-Dune- Yemen
68- Yemen Prosperous Organization for Care and Development- Yemen
69- Building Steps Foundation for Development- Yemen
70- Zine El Abidine Charitable Organization- Yemen
71- Organization for Peace and Social Security- Yemen
72- Tihama Organization for Rights, Development and Human Heritage- Yemen
73- R Peace Organization- Yemen
74- Federation of Trade Unions and Employees of the Capital, Sana’a- Yemen
75- Ostool Organization for Sustainable Strategic Development- Yemen
76- Echo of events Foundation for Media and Development- Yemen
77- Prevention Foundation- Yemen
78- Yemen Supporters Organization- Yemen
79- Yemeni Pilots and Engineers Syndicate- Yemen
80- Entsaf Organization for the Rights of Women and Children- Yemen
81- International Pharmaceutical Federation- Yemen
82- Professional Hands Foundation- Yemen
83- Eye organization for the patient- Yemen
84- Yemeni Society of Pharmacists Syndicate- Yemen
85- General Syndicate of Excavators- Yemen
86- General Federation of Yemeni Trade Unions- Yemen
87- Arab Union for Construction and Wood Workers- Yemen
88- International Federation of Building and Wood Workers- Yemen
89- Al-Shifa Foundation for Community Development- Yemen
90- Syndicate of Administrative Staff in the Judiciary- Yemen
91- General Syndicate of Teaching and Teaching Professions- Yemen
92- Yemeni Bar Association- Yemen
93- National Syndicate of General Education- Yemen
94- Siraj Foundation- Yemen
95- General Postal Union- Yemen
96- Yemeni Dental Syndicate- Yemen
97- Yemeni Pharmacists Syndicate- Yemen
98- General Union of Textile Workers- Yemen
99- Home Organization for Development- Yemen
100- Center for Human Rights and Public Opinion Measurement – Sana’a University- Yemen
101- Social Movement Foundation for Development
102 – General Trade and Crafts Syndicate
103- Union of workers and employees of the Ministry of Public Health and Population
104- Al-Dar Foundation
105- The Syndicate of Drivers of the Sana’a-Taiz-Aden Line
106- Al-Rahmaa Charitable Development Association
107- Yaqout Developmental Foundation
108- Middle East Foundation for Development and Human Rights
109- Ataya Foundation for Charitable Development
110- Syndicate of the Ministry of Culture
111- Global Network for the Defense of the Palestinian People
112 – Red Banner Anti-Imperialist Collective
113 – Global Network to Keep Space for Peace
114- Nachaz Association, Tunisia
115- Black Alliance for Peace- USA
116- Pakistan People’s Party
117- Arab American Community Center of Greater Youngstown
118- Coalition for Peace in the Middle East
119- The Human Rights Coalition to Stop the Aggression, Lift the Siege, and Build Peace in Yemen (10 org’s.)
120- Syrian Feminist Alliance to activate Security Council Resolution 1325
121- Yemeni Coalition Against the Death Penalty
122- Tunisian Association for Support Minority . (TASM)
123- Jordanian Jurists Association / Jordan
124- Working Women Association / Jordan
125- Association of the International Cultural Network for Palestine
126- Egyptian Association for Scientific and Technological Development
127- Association of the Economic and Social Forum for Women / Jordan
128- The Mauritanian Association for the Promotion of Rights
129- Arab Women Organization-Jordan
130- Hemaya Association for Human Rights and Development/Egypt
131- Roaa Women Association-Jordan
132- Association of the Jordanian Women’s Solidarity Institute
133- Tunisia’s Nachas Association
134- Tunisian League for Tolerance
135- The Algerian League for Defense Human Rights
136- Jordanian Women’s Association – Rama
137- The Jordanian Network for Human Rights (includes 10 human rights organizations)
138- The Women’s Defense Network in Syria (includes 57 Syrian women’s organizations)
139- Independent Journalists Network/Sudan
140- Global Network for the Defense of the Palestinian People
141- Arab Women’s Legal Network
142- Volunteer Network for Development and Human Rights / Egypt
143- Women’s Network for Women Support/ Jordan
144- Social Accountability Network in Morocco
145- The Syrian Federation of Human Rights Organizations and Bodies
146- Committees for the Defense of Democratic Freedoms and Human Rights in Syria (LDH)
147- Arab Commission for Human Rights
148- The Committee for the Respect of Freedoms and Human Rights in Tunisia
149 Mawjoudin Initiative for Equality/ Tunisia
150- The International Council Supporting Fair Trials and Human Rights (ICSFT)
151- International Council for Relief and Development
152- Yemeni Council for Rights and Freedoms
153- Law Group for Human Rights / Mizan (Jordan)
154- Arab Women Media Center / Jordan
155- Arab House Center for Research and Studies/ Egypt
156- Khiam Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture-Lebanon
157- International Center for the Promotion of Rights and Freedoms – Swiss Association
158- The Arab European Center for Human Rights and International Law / Norway
159- Human Rights Center for Memory & Archives/Morocco
160- Damascus Center for Theoretical and Civil Studies
161- Amman Center for Human Rights Studies (ACHRS)
162- Word Center for Human rights Studies/Egypt
163- Metro Center for Defending the Rights of Journalists/ Iraq
164- Egyptian Democratic Institute for Awareness of Constitutional and Legal Rights / Egypt
165- Dialogue Forum for Development and Human Rights / Egypt
166- Bahrain Forum for Human Rights
167- Renewal Forum for Citizen and Progressive Thought/ Tunisia
168- Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights
169- Sisters Arab Forum for Human Rights (Yemen)
170- Moroccan Forum for Truth and Equity
171- African Human Rights Watch/Morocco
172- The Tunisian Organization against Torture
173- Moroccan Organization for Human Rights
174- Mauritanian Organization for Rights and Freedom
175- Arab Renaissance for Democracy & Development-ARDD
177- Hammurabi Organization for Monitoring Democracy and Human Rights / Iraq
178- Desert Youth Organization for Development and Human Rights / Libya
179- Yemeni Organization for Defense Rights and Democratic Freedoms/Yemen
180- Al-Haq Foundation for Freedom of Opinion and Expression and Human Rights/Egypt
181- Justice and Citizenship Foundation for Human Rights/ Egypt
182- The Arab Foundation to support Civil Society and Human Rights/Egypt
183- Mada Foundation for Human Rights / Iraq
184- Sahel Authority for the Defense of Human Rights/Mauritania
185- The National Front for Egyptian Women
186- The Egyptian Socialist Party
187- Arab Organization for Human Rights Austria
188- International Forum for Rights and Freedoms, Vienna, Austria
189 – General Union of Egyptians – Cairo
190- General Federation of Egyptians-Austria
191- Egyptian Citizens Union – Cairo
192- General Federation of Egyptians Abroad